We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported our Ladies Who Lunch event at the Club.

Through ticket sales, games packs, the raffle and donations we raised the amazing total of £1,208.45 towards the playpark at Violetbank.

It has been a while since we have been able to host an event like this and you forget what needs to happen behind the scenes for it to all come together so we would like to give some shoutouts and thanks to:

🧁 those who provided home-baking and savoury snacks
🧹 everyone who helped to set up and tidy up
🥂 our bar and waiting staff
🎵 Andrew Stevenson for setting us up a PA/sounds system
🎁 those who donated raffle prizes

You all helped to make it such a great day!

Lindsey & Nicole 🖤💛

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