On Wednesday 28 October, Scottish Rugby launched new Coach and Match Official Development Pathways. These pathways see an exciting overhaul to all training and education courses, workshops and resources in line with the Rugby Development Strategy 2019-23, and the Technical Blueprint ‘The Scottish Way’.

This ezine highlights the key information for coaches and match officials. For full details of the new pathways please click below.


Training & Education Pathways Webinar

Scottish Rugby’s new Coach Development Pathway replaces the UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) framework which came to an end in April 2020.

What’s new?

  • Four new coaching qualifications, as well as new e-learning modules have been created to accelerate coaches learning.
  • The courses demonstrate equivalence to World Rugby Qualifications and their development informed by the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) Standards.
  • A new coach accreditation scheme will be introduced to develop a culture of ongoing development, and to increase the compliance of minimum standards.
  • Regional mentoring programmes will be introduced to further develop coaches within specific areas of the player pathway.

The new entry level Coaching Essentials course will be the first course delivered in the new pathway in November and December (via online modules). The rest of the new range of courses will be announced later in the year.

Please note NO PVG = NO YOUTH COACHING (click here for further details on Safeguarding and PVG)


Scottish Rugby’s new Match Official Development Pathway replaces the current courses as of November 2020.

What’s new?

  • Five new Match Officiating qualifications, as well as new e-learning modules have been created to accelerate match officials learning.
  • New mini rugby referees award to support those at the entry point in the player pathway.
  • A new match official accreditation scheme will be introduced to develop a culture of ongoing development, and to increase the compliance of minimum standards.

The new entry level Introduction to Match Officiating and Mini Rugby Referee courses will be the first courses to be delivered in the new pathway in November and December (via online modules). The rest of the new range of courses will be announced later in the year.


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