Thanks to the hard work of our Covid Coordinator Nicole and her merry band of helpers, preseason training has started back up at Violetbank.
In these Covid times, all players, coaches, team managers, volunteers and match officials must follow the set of rules listed below.
Any questions, please email Nicole on:
It will be good to be back, but remember to stay safe, follow the rules and lets play some rugby!
Scottish Rugby has confirmed that the club and school game can move from Return to Rugby Stage 3 to Stage 4 of the Scottish Rugby Return to Rugby Roadmap as of 14 September 2020. This step has been approved by the Scottish Government.
For more information please see:

- All Senior Players, Coaches, Team Managers, Volunteers and Match Officials must complete the Scottish Rugby Covid-19 Return to Rugby E-Learning Course before taking part in any Return to Rugby Activity. Please email our Covid Coordinator Nicole Barlow at a copy of your certificate once completed so Nicole can tick your name off. The course can be found here: Scottish Rugby Covid-19 Return to Rugby E-Learning Course
- Listed below (or download here) is a Map of the Violetbank Ground that everyone entering Violetbank will need to study before they arrive. Please could everyone visiting Violetbank study this map and make a note of which parking areas they should use relevant to their teams training area.
- Listed below (or download here) is a timetable of the week showing what times each group is training. These will be the ‘training bubbles’ and will only be allowed a maximum of 15 players per bubble. Each team has their own time slot that MUST be adhered to in order to avoid congestion in the car park. More information on Training Bubbles can be found here: Return to Rugby Training Bubbles – Mini, Youth & Adult Rugby
- All players will need to come in full rugby kit ready to train as the use of changing rooms is not permitted at this time.
- When parking your car please allow for social distancing in the car park.
- Hand Sanitising/Washing is essential for everyone on arrival to the Violetbank.
- We will be operating a one way system throughout Violetbank.
- If anyone becomes unwell with any of the identified symptoms of COVID-19, Team Leads should ask them to leave and advised to follow the self-isolation guidance from the Scottish Government.
- Players must adhere to the Scottish Government Covid-19 guidelines.
- A one way system will be in place around the building.
- Only 1 toilet will be open for use in the building so please encourage children to go before they come to training to avoid congestion.
- Those who use the toilet facilities must wipe down the areas after every use.
- Changing rooms will not be available for use.
- Only 1 parent per child will be allowed to spectate during training sessions.
- Spectators will not be allowed on the training areas due to social distancing measures
- Training balls and equipment must not be shared with other bubbles and will be washed after each training session.
- Full PPE will be worn by anyone Administering First Aid before approaching the injured player.
- Players, Coaches and spectators must sanitise their hands when exiting the training area.
- Players should collect any belongings and leave immediately to avoid congestion.
- Social Distancing and one way system must be adhered to.