08 Sep, 2020


From Club President, Gary Coupland

“It has been a challenging year for Annan Rugby, as I’m sure it has been for many of our members.

The COVID outbreak has put life as we know it on hold, with rugby training and competitive fixtures suspended since March.

I’m delighted that rugby is slowly resuming at the club, but we’re still a long way off getting back to ‘normal’. Bank St remains closed for now, but we will keep you updated of any plans to reopen.

The main aim of the Club is to develop and nurture local rugby talent which is, of course, heavily dependent on the contribution made by our many loyal members.

Your continued support as a member has never been more important, however, Annan Rugby is a community club so if you are experiencing hardship issues as a result of these unprecedented times, please talk to me or a member of the committee in confidence.

Membership fees are now due and should be paid by September 30th, 2020. As a result of increased operating costs and reduced income, largely due to COVID, we have increased memberships by a nominal amount for the forthcoming season.

You can download a Player or Associate Membership Application Form at:

Payment can be made in the following ways:

By BACS in full, to account 00707442 sort code 83-15-19

By monthly Standing Order to account 00707442 sort code 83-15-19.

If paying by Standing Order, please ensure the instruction runs until August 2021 and that any existing monthly payments are increased to reflect the new charges.

By credit or debit card at Violetbank from w/c 14th September.

A 20% discount is available for families living at the same address with an U18 player.

Please Note: at the current time we are unable to accept payment in cash or by cheque.

Due to changes in General Data Protection Regulations, in order for your membership to be processed for the coming year, all subscriptions must be accompanied by the enclosed form, even for those returning and lifetime members.

‘Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you at Violetbank soon.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Coupland
Club President”

A reminder that players / parents for U18 players must also register on SCRUMS for the forthcoming season by visiting

Any questions, email:

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